Meaghan Montgomery headshot

Meaghan Montgomery


Family Office Management Team

Meaghan is a valued member of the Family Office Management Team where she is responsible for servicing the needs of multigenerational families by providing guidance and administrative support. Meaghan employes a highly interactive, collaborative approach with client families and their outside advisors, as well as across the firm’s business units.

Meaghan has spent the past decade in the financial services industry with various firms from large to small. Most recently, Meaghan served as an Associate at UBS Financial Services in Boston providing support to a team of advisors. Over her career, she has mastered many skills inclusive of overall relationship management, client onboarding, account opening, and overall project management.

Meaghan graduated from St. Norbert College with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She also received a Graduate Certificate in Business Fundamentals from Suffolk University in 2022.

On a more personal level

If you were not working at TwinFocus and you knew you couldn’t fail at whatever you did, what would you do?

I have a great interest in Marine Biology. I love the ocean and want to know more about everything related.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I enjoy traveling, being outside, or staying inside with a good book.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the clients, the interactions, and doing what I can to provide the best service.

What unique personal skills make you great at your role at TwinFocus?

I always have time to talk with clients, be it 5 minutes or 5 hours!